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 ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs

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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2013-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs   ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 11:28 pm

♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Google10

Name: Trinity Rose
Age: 21
Height: 5’7
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Golden brown that goes past her shoulders.
Eyes: Grey with a hint of green
Personality: Trinity has always been that quiet geek in the corner even though she never looked the part. Loves to study but also enjoys a night out every once in a while. Stick's mainly to herself or the few friends that she has.
Family: Father and one older brother.
History: Pending
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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2013-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs   ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 11:24 pm

♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Images10

Name: Jennifer
Nickname: Jenny
Age: 19
Hair Color: Ash Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5’7
Weight: 125
Personality: Sporty, sweet and caring. Loves her family dearly cause they have always been there for her. She is tough because of the sports she plays and takes what she learns from the field to her everyday life. She is a fast learning but is one for revenge when someone hurts those close to her.
Family: Mother, father and one younger brother
History: Pending
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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2013-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs   ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 11:17 pm

♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Anime-10 Katsu

Name: Katsu Kenta
Alias: Ritsu
Age: 18
Eyes: Pale Blue
Hair: short brown hair, doesn't normally do anything with it
Height: 6’2
Weight: 175 lbs
Gender: Male
Class: Senior High School/ Juku (Cram schools)
He’s not sure about doing cram school because the fact that he has three younger brothers to take care of and he already has a full-time night job.
Personality: Strong willed and protective. He'd risk his life to save someone and won't give up in a fight.
Identifying marks: He has a few scars on his chest but it blends pretty well with his tanned skin.
Family: Mother and Father and Three younger brothers: Tyson and Tristan who are 14 (twins) and Haru who is 7.
History: When Katsu’s youngest brother was born his parents had decided that they were sick of being parents and left all the responsibilities to Katsu the eldest. Since he was 14 he has taken care of his three brothers, but his parents did do a little something for them before they ran away from them. They made sure that the apartment they were living in was paid each month but other than that Katsu had to find some way to cloth, feed, keep his siblings warm and make sure they went to school.
Now Katsu goes part time to school while also cramming for college and he works a part time job in a bar but sometimes he also goes out and fights for money. He pretty much does anything he can to find extra money, he has even been approached by a company to work as an escort but he has yet to give them answer. Though as of recent he has agreed to give it a try before he signs a contract with the company.

♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Cool_a10Ritsu
Has green contacts to change his eye color and wears a blonde wig.
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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2013-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs   ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 11:12 pm

♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Bishou11

Name: Rune Matsumoto
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5’6
Weight: 122 lbs
Eye color: Green with a hint of blue
Hair color: Short shaggy dirty blonde
Race: Human
Identifying Marks: Multiple scars on his back and upper arms, burn marks on his legs with scars that look like someone carved things into him.
Personality: Quiet, doesn't like other people, doesn't like to be touched by others. But when pissed off he his blunt, uncaring and cold.
Background: Lived in Japan with his mother and father. His father passed away when he was just a teenager and his mother remarried to an American man. Rune was against the whole thing but listened because his mother asked him to give it a try. Next thing he knew his mother moved him to America and things got worse. His new step-father started to assault him, when Rune tried to get help from his mother she wouldn't believe him. As the months went by the beatings turned into rape and his step-father would always threaten that he would do it to Rune's mother if he didn't continue to let his step-father do things to him. So to protect his mother he did as he was told.
"One day things will end for me" is something Rune always tells himself.
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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2013-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs   ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 11:09 pm

♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Normal10

Name: Zane Anubis Lockwood & Pandora Anubia Lockwood
Race: Vampires (However they prefer to take someones life force rather then blood but they drink that on occasion as well)
Age: 18
Gender: Zane-Male, Pandora-Female
Hair Color and Style: Zane- Short black that shines blood red and spikes at the end, Pandora- straight long black hair that shines blood red
Eye Color: Zane- Blue with a tint of red, Pandora- Green with a tint of red.
Height: Zane- 6', Pandora- 5'8
Weight: Zane- 150 lbs, Pandora- 132 lbs
Personality: Zane- Stronger to keep his sisters ways at bay and to fend of other guys who want to date his sister or beat the crap out of him. Studies a lot in his spare time when not keeping his sister under control and it seems like his sister has him whipped.
Pandora- Sadistic, likes to punish people but does it with a sweet smile on her face…most of the time. Enjoys correcting teachers which usually gets her into trouble. Could have graduated already but chooses to stay in the same grade as her brother.
Background: At the age of 7 Pandora bit and killed their mother unknowingly, it was upon instinct that she did it. To protect his sister Zane killed their father when he came to investigate the noise in the living room one day. Ever since then they had kept to themselves and grew into teenage manipulating vampires.
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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2013-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs   ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 11:04 pm

♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Tumblr10

Name: Jezic
Race: Demon
Age: 527 yrs (Looks 24 yrs old)
Hair Color and Style: Shaggy brown usually looks like bedhead
Eye Color: Crystal blue and changes to Silver
Height: 6'2
Weight: 157 lbs
Identifying Marks: Two horns. Base width 4'' and curl backwards (if straightened they are about 1' long)
Personality: That brooding quiet type, has a deep seeded hatred for humans but tries to see the good in them. Very protect of any another other demon whether he knows them or not. Doesn't like to be accused of things without good reason and even then they better talk to him before they try doing anything to him.
Background: From a long lineage of demons that ruled the north of his world. Came from a close nit community where everyone knew each other and day to day life was pretty normal. Until the humans rose up and almost wiped his clan from the face of the earth. Jezic now seeks a way to piece back together his old life while creating a better future for all those like him.
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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2013-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs   ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 11:00 pm

♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Get_of10

Name: Ruby Mc'Oron
Age: 18
Eyes: Used to be a deep jade but are now becoming a very light green almost white
Hair: Fire Red
Height: 5’7
Weight: 128 lbs
Race: Human
Personality: Pretty quiet, unsure of herself and her ability since she started losing her eyesight. She doesn’t talk much but for some reason is very popular with both males and females.
History: Ruby grew up in a pretty tense home. Both her parents are very talented, her father is a well-known painter and her mother is a famous singer. It was no surprise that Ruby would be talented herself, but that could have been because her parent’s pushed her to do every creative thing from theater to pottery. Ruby liked photography the best and piano. She would often sit at the piano with her mother’s pianist and learn from him, she spent a lot of time at her father’s studio as well. Though no matter how much interest or achievements she got, her parent’s never seemed to be satisfied. Ruby was beyond a 4.0 student, participated in many club activities and was even received ‘The young genius of the year’ award.
She worked hard every day studying and doing her work while her parent’s pushed her harder and harder while doing their own work.
Some say it was no surprise that something bad happened to Ruby, others felt sorry for her. She saw it as an opportunity to start doing things for herself, however this new change came at a price. At the age of thirteen Ruby started to lose her sight, the doctor’s said that by the time she was twenty she would be completely blind. Ruby wasn’t as devastated by the news as her parents were but she could understand why. She was supposed to be the heir to their fortune and now since she couldn’t paint, draw or read music her parents started trying for another child, someone who could carry on the family name.
At the age of 15 she couldn’t hide it anymore, her sight had become so bad that her photos were crap and her music sounded horrible. Ruby could no longer draw properly and couldn’t play the piano as well. She kept her old life a secret once she got into high school, it wasn’t that hard seeing as how her younger brother was now the center of attention, he looked more promising to her parents then she ever did. This was something that she kept from his new friends when she started high school; no one knew what she was actually capable of when she was a child. Though part of Ruby missed being able to do the things she used to.
Now 18 years old Ruby is graduating soon, with no more scholarship opportunities and only the chance to rely on grades to get her into college. She still tries to hide the fact that she can barely see and tries to stay optimistic about her everyday life.
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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2013-02-27

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PostSubject: ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs   ♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 10:57 pm

♦HârlêQ♦'s RPCs 170_tr10

Name:Felix Valko
Hair Color and Style: Golden Brown with Amber Highlights. Hair usually worn down and kind of messy. Sometimes worn in a half ponytail.
Eye Color:Pine Green
Height: 6'2
Weight: 169 lbs.
Identifying Marks: none
General Appearance: While working- nice black suit that’s pressed and clean shaven. Outside work- usually jeans and a nice t-shirt or slacks with a button up shirt depending on how he’s feeling.
Personality: Strong, unfeeling but pretends to for money. He doesn’t care to be social, unless he’s getting paid to do it.
Job: Male Host at Blackbird Spiral club
Background: He had a decent family, well known throughout the town. When Felix was old enough he left his hometown for college with the blessing of his family. All his siblings couldn’t wait for him to get back and his mother tried as hard as she could to keep him home. But with the promise that he would be back, Felix left for the city.
Things started off well but when his first break from school came he got a horrible phone call instead. His family was dead, ever last one of them and he was left alone, well he was left with the debt of his family but that was about it. The police had said something about arson, so even the things he had growing up were gone.
With his family’s debt and his own from school Felix was forced to drop out and find a way to pay off the large sum of money that was now his. This required a change in himself, Felix was the fun loving, social and well liked student by his peers and teachers. But in order to deal with the life he had now he changed who he was. His demeanor changed along with his appearance, Felix became infatuated with the way that he could earn move and fast and that was selling his body. After he became comfortable that was with sleeping with random people.
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