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Number of posts : 361
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Brothers Love - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brothers Love   Brothers Love - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 2:57 pm

Another wave of shivers ran though her body, always like this around her brothers it made her want them for indeed she found some lusting over them but that was only for a quick moment and nothing more for she was shy and to smart to act on that wickedness. She brings her eyes up so they looked into his eyes. “Sweet brother…” She raised her hands up. “There is nothing I can do, if Vincent wishes to come in I can not stop him you know that much.” She lets her hands fall to her side and clutch at her silken fabrics as she watched his features, yes she knew that he wanted her but let him want and hope it would come to nothing. She closed her eyes as she feels his forehead into hers, it was such an old habit and she takes a deep breath. “But I will try. I will always keep one person inside the room. She lets her head back up and looks back into his face she nods her head. “I will send her to you right away.” She watched him go and bites her lip but quickly stops and it took a matter of second for the people to come back into the room.

Turning her head just so she motions for the red head girl, Mary, to come to her. “Lovely Mary, come you are wished for.” The girl bows before rising and moving closer to Katrina, she was a young girl and she was in owe of Katrina. So noble and so loved! Katrina leaned in just so that she could whisper into the girl’s ear. “Lovely Mary, my brother wishes to see you right now…he is waiting.” Mary couldn’t help but smile and Katrina leans back so she was standing straight, her eyes ran over the girl. She was lovely in her own sort of way and she couldn’t help but wonder if her brother ever thought of her self when he was with Mary. The girl bows and walks out of the room, her heart racing all the while for she knew she was in store for great pleasure.

Once she was out of her tight fitting dress and the dressmakers gone she sat on her bed. “I wish to bath, bring in the tub.” The servants bowed and quickly left the room. The walked quickly down the hall to fetch the golden bath. Meanwhile Katrina had moved so she was lounging on the couch in her white bathing shift, her woman about her, one or two combed and fussed with her hair as the others got dresses out deciding which one’s was the best for tonight’s ball. Soon the servants came back inside the room some, setting it next down to the fire the started to dump buckets of slightly warmed water into it. Once it was filled they left along with some of the maids. Two or three maids stayed for Katrina would have it that way. She rose from the couch and walked over to the tub, picking up the side of her shaft she steps into the tub and slowly sinks down. She lets her whole self sink down into the warm water and lets her head dunk down so her golden hair can get wet. She rises and lets her head tilts back so it could rest on the rim of the tub, her arms come up to rest on the sides and she closes her eyes as she thinks.
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Number of posts : 160
Age : 34
Registration date : 2009-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: Brothers Love   Brothers Love - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 2:04 pm

Her words set shivers down his spine the dreadful thought of his perverted little brother kissing his own sister or was he simply jealous that he had not done it first he did not know and now was not the time. Her hands cupped his face and for a moment he felt tamed and at ease but only for a moment as he soft pale hands fell from his face and she finished speaking. "I am upset because it is wrong.....for us to be acting this way." He found himself saying this not out loud but within his own mind. He was still standing there looking into his sister. He wanted to do the same as Vincent and kiss her but he knew it was wrong he could have any woman he wanted he could even have one of her maids if he wanted and he could feel a budlge begining to form in his pants as he realized what he was thinking. "Right I think it would be best for me to go. Though I don't think it'll be a good idea to allow Vincent in the room alone with you. You know how he is..." Johnathan took a step back and sighed slightly he was flustered and it wasn't like him usually he was calm,cool and collected but he was flustered now. Maybe seeing her naked had another effect on him besides arousing him. He stepped back forward and embraced KAtrina and pressed his forehead against her he did this a few times when she was younger and it wasn't anything strange back then but now just being inches away from her face made him feel the need to kiss her but he didn't. He had seen and done enough for now, he released her and kissed her lightly on the forehead where his head was a few seconds before. "Do me a favor will you? Send that cute little redhead maid of yours to my chambers later." He said it the best way he could without showing any strain in his voice he needed to remain calm and act casual even though he had just peeked at his sister's naked body. He asked for the red haired girl because she was the usual girl that took care of his desires though he only thought about Katrina during those times. "I'll leave you now."

Back in the hallway Johnathan thought about Katrina's beautiful body and lusted for her he was no better than Vincent and he knew it but Vincent did not have the nerve to act upon his lust. He wanted her for himself but would be too cowardly to force himself upon her Johanthan was also he would not rape his sister but make her come to him. He knew how she was though she was closer to their younger brother and very intelligent but both of them together could not outsmart him. He would have to find a way to get her out of the marriage but who was he to ruin something good for her? Johnathan frowned and cursed himself for thinking of the unholy act of incest. He entered his room and stayed there drifting in and out of sleep as he remembered the color of KAtrina's flesh and how warm her skin was against his lips.
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Number of posts : 361
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Brothers Love - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brothers Love   Brothers Love - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 12:32 am

Katrina looked into the mirror, smiling at her self as she did. “Oh Madame you should wear your hair up…” One of her maids commented. “Oh no…down like a virgin on her wedding day…” Another said and she couldn’t help but smile for it was her wedding day and well she was a virgin. “We will see both ways are quite lovely.” She was smiling shyly as her eyes look down away from her reflection. She was nervous her lady’s had been speaking to her of what she should expect on her wedding night and it sent up shiver though her.

There was a soft gasp inside the room as Vincent came into the room, she lefts her eyes up and then gazed about the room. She motions for her lady’s and dressmaker’s leave. She smiled on at him sweetly and let her eyes once more drop to her dress. “It is isn’t it? It my wedding dress…” She lets out another of her intoxicating laughs and she run her fingertips over the very soft lace. “Its one of just many dresses being made for me. I am to have a new wardrobe, a wedding gift from my new husband.” She picks up her skirts; she had heard his comment, thanking god above that the servant and maids had left the room. She didn’t need more gossip. She steps off the stool she had been standing on. But she couldn’t lie to this brother and it was a grave matter and she saw in his face that he wasn’t pleased.

Turning her eyes up to him. What way could she change this subject with out him knowing it? None, she could tell in his face that he wanted to know and also she could see that he had been peeking on her, it was easy enough to read his face. A shiver ran though her body for she knew he didn’t look upon her as a brother for a sister, he was like Vincent he wanted her as a lover. She turns her back to him, the dress was made so her shoulders and lower back were bare and her pale skin could be seen. She had bowed her head; she was once more looking down at her hands. “Its true, he had kissed me.” She lefts her head once more and turns, her smile sweet and innocent as ever. It was carefree and she lefts her bear shoulders up to the sky. “But nothing more then a kiss, nothing for you to be up set with sweet brother.” She moved forward her hand coming out to cup his face. “Nothing dearest brother…” She lets her hand fall. “You should be off…” She whispers not liking the air inside the room, she needed him to go so she could breathe and think.
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Number of posts : 160
Age : 34
Registration date : 2009-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: Brothers Love   Brothers Love - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 10:47 pm

The feeling of hissisters lips upon his own stayed with Vincent throughtout the time the ran through the hall and down out into the Grand Hall where he and Johnathan usually pratcied he could not wait to rub it in his face that he had kiss her like a lover. As they got dressed the usual bad mouthing went on in the light hearted way though it was meant to hurt one another. Johanathan glared at his younger brother through the mask as he placed his hand behind his back and took his stance. "On your guard." He warned as he lunged forward trying to quickly end the spar but his younger brother had grown stronger and it was not as easy to beat him now. "You now when you I kissed Katrina." Vincent says with a grin that could not be seen through the mesh mask as they lunged and blocked one anothers attacks. "You're lying." Johnathan says in disbelief as he parries Vincents sloppy lung and delivers his own attack all the while thinking about what his brother had said he had done. "Oh yes and it was just delightful her lips are so soft. I wish I could have pushed my tongue into her mouth but I had to move quickly." Vincent says with his devilish smile as anger and jealousy began to rise in the older brother and lunged forward through Vincent's defense and hit him in the chest ending the match.

"You should worry more about practicing than kissing you're sister. That's not right you're her brother and she's going to be getting married soon." He says as he removes his helmet and walks away. He was angry and wished it had been him that kissed Katrina and not Vincent but what he said had been true they were family and it was wrong to think of family this way. Johnathan found himself wandering around after bathing he was still thinking of what Vincent had said and he wanted to feel the sensation of her lips against his own. She was younger than him by three years but she looked much older and more mature than him. He was still competing with his younger brother for his sister's love and it was crazy. Johathan was on his way back to his room but the sight of his sister made him stop. "I must follow her."

Slowly he followed Katrina and her maids he vaguely heard about a dress but he was captivated by his younger sister's beauty he followed her back to her apartment grabbing the door handle to keep it cracked so he could peek in. He hid as people passed by but stayed close to the door he watched in amazement as she began to undress and change into her wedding gown. Her body was absolutely incredible and he could not pull his eyes away from her even though he knew it was wrong. "What the hell am I doing? She's my sister! I'm no better than that little demon Vincent for kissing her." Finally he pulled himself away from her cracked down stumbling on his own feet he pushed the door open with his back and he tumbles into the room.

Luckly Katrina was already dressed but that did not stop Johnathan from turning beet red as he stumbled to his feet and looked at his sister his embrassment leaving as he stared at her. "You look beautiful in your dress." He says casually as he approaches her trying to think of what to say he knew she would know he was looking at her as she changed. "Did Vincent kiss you on the lips? Or was he lying?"

((OOC: Hehehe I love long posts if we keep the thread going like this I'll never get bored.))
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Number of posts : 361
Age : 34
Registration date : 2009-01-10

Brothers Love - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brothers Love   Brothers Love - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 1:19 pm

“Oh I don’t wish to leave either.” That was only half true, she would miss both of them so very much but she wouldn’t miss the way they looked upon her. No, not the way of brothers looking at their sister, but more like a lover would. A shiver runs though her, but still the smile remained on her lips. She was well trained to hide her feelings from people. She also could read people quite easily and she saw in her older brother the jealousy he had for his younger brother and for her having her head on his shoulder. Well let him be just a tad jealous, she liked to see both brothers just a little jealous from her part it meant she had a slight power of them. But not too much, she knew if she showed more favorer over one that the brother could and most likely would find a way to show them up, which would end up hurting that brother. So her rule was to dish out favor to one brother and then quickly dish out the same amount to the other and most times it worked.

In a moment she clapped her hands together. “I am very pleased to hear that my sweet brother.” Darling brother was for Vincent and Sweet brother was for Johnathan. She wouldn’t use the same pet names for either that would upset them too much. She smiled as Johnathan as he left and she then turned her full attion back to Vincent. It was true she was closer to this brother then her other, for they were closer to age then she was to Johnathan for she was raised in the nursery with him, trained in school with him and slept in the same room with him for close to five years. They had been never been separated for the most part and they is way there was a bond between him, for he was only about a year younger then her self. Now she was looking into the face of one of her beloved brothers and her eyes widen a bit, there was something in his voice that she should fear him, which she already did, she loved and feared both her brothers. She blinks as she feels his lips press into hers it felt odd to her and she watched him go, her head slightly nodding for that was all she would give him.

It didn’t take long for her serving maids to come back into the room. Katrina rose to her feet; her face was like stone not showing that anything had happened. “Call my lady’s in waiting to me, I wish to have a stroll in the gardens.” They made a low bow and moved out of the room and soon five-woman wearing court dress came into the room, bowing as they came to her. “Good day Madame.” Katrina made a step for them. “Good day, I wish to have a walk around the garden.” They nodded, they understood that she loved gardens and to be out side it was a way to free her mind and they knew she had a lot on her mind for her wedding was very close. So they left her apartments and walked down the hall, there was two guards by them for they always-fallowed Katrina making sure no harm came to her or her lady’s. They walked down the stone stair way that lead down to the garden.

They strolled for a while though the rose garden before a page came quickly to them and stopping in front of Katrina. “Madame, the dress maker is here for your fitting.” With a nod the page was off and she sighed softly for it was the last fitting of her wedding gown. So once more they made their way back inside the castle and into her apartment were they came to her waiting room where the dressmaker was. “Hello.” Katrina speaks out and the dressmaker makes a slight bow and she then went and changed into the dress that she would be married in. The fabric was of the whitest, the upper part was a corset and it was slightly low cut. The bottom was made of the same fabric and it bellowed out around her and it had the covering of the lightest of lace work, almost as if a spider had made it. There was a train behind her dress so long that eight of her women would have to hold it as she walked. Pearls danced around on top of the lace, they were sewn to make it look like they were roses. The dressmaker and her workers moved about Katrina as her maids chatted away.

(Ooc: Yay i like long replys! I cant wait to see what you have to give me!)
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Number of posts : 160
Age : 34
Registration date : 2009-01-19

Brothers Love - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brothers Love   Brothers Love - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 11:48 am

Vincent wanted to argue but it was simply something about his elder sister that prevented him from continuing the arguement and he slowly nodded his head ending the conversation at that. "i don't want you to leave." he says lowly at her comment of only having a month left before leaving their home for a new one, his face became distorted as a dastardly plan came into his mind. He would keep her there with him somehow and he would get her to love him more than his brother. The plan was cruel and down right wrong but he would get her to love him more than Johnathan whom seemed to have everything so why did he need his sister's love anyway? Vincent looked down at Katrina as she turned her face towards Johnathan who was still standing by the bed post his hands by his side and his eyes focused on Katrina's face. He nodded his head at what was being said but still there was a look of displeasure upon his face as he watched her place her head on the shoulder of his evil little brother but nothing was said.

"Right then we'll stop fighting or try to stop." Johnathan says his eyes never leaving the face of his younger sister, he takes a step back towards the door and sighs he knew that the arguement would never end it was obvious that brother brothers loved their sister though she would never say she loved either one more than the other they knew she had to atleast feel closer to one of them more than the other. "Let's go then Vincent we or we'll be late for our fencing lesson." Johnathan's voice was odd cold as he spoke a tingle of jealous ran through him as he watched the simple act of his sister placing her head on Vincent's shoulder but he would get him back he always did he overpowered the boy in everything. He was smarter,bigger and stronger but Vincent was just pure evil it was wrong to think of a sibling that way bit no one seen the things that he had done or the things he would say when it was only them. [Like he's the only one that has evil thoughts.] Johnathan thought as he moved towards the door, placing his hand on the knob waiting for the sound of his younger brother to get up.

Vincent turned his eyes way from Katrina hearing his brother speaking and nodded his head gravely and waitd for the door to open he would be along in a moment but first he wanted to be alone with Katrina. "Gone on I'll be there in a moment." The door closed and Vincent moved closer to his older sister looking her in the eyes still smiling. "You love me more don't you." He says he wasn't asking he was telling her and with that he placed a quick kiss upon her lips and spring from the bed. The kiss wasn't a kiss a brother should give his sister but he didn't care he never cared his little evil mind began to work quickly as he ran down the hall.

(ooc: Thanks! =D I'll only get better as the thread goes on and if there's enough to type on you'll be getting really long replies.)
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Number of posts : 361
Age : 34
Registration date : 2009-01-10

Brothers Love - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brothers Love   Brothers Love - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 10:07 am

Katrina lifts her dark green orbs up to look into her brothers face, a soft sweet smile was on her lips and indeed she looked very inch the innocent person that she was. She turns her head slightly and gazed down upon Vincent. Her smile grows slightly and she reached out to let her fingers run though his hair, she always enjoyed touching her brothers hair. She slowly removes her fingers from his hair and she tilts her head, her smile fades a bit as hears his question. She turns her head so her dark orbs could take in Johnathan; she had to admit that both brothers were good looking all their family was good looking and it made her proud. She once more turns her eyes back to her younger brother. “This again darling?” She closed her eyes and her white shoulders rise up in a shrug. “I could not answer it.” She slowly opens her eyes to once more peer down at her brother. “I love you both the very same…how could it be any other way, both of you are very grand, none other like you.”

It wasn’t like she was not use to this; it was just that she so hated it. “Come, lets not fight it is not a very pleasant thing.” She made a sad look come across her features as though it hurt her to see them fighting over her. She leans to one side so that she could let her cheek rest upon his shoulder. “I only have a short while before I must leave for my new home, I don’t want to spend the last month I have here hearing you fight.” She murmurs sweetly and turns her head just so, her cheek still resting on his shoulder and her eyes now peering up at him, pleading in such a sweet manner that only she could do. “For me, my darling brother?” She lets her head come back up and she turns her head to her elder brother.

(Ooc: I dont mind at all and you did an amazing job!)
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Number of posts : 160
Age : 34
Registration date : 2009-01-19

Brothers Love - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brothers Love   Brothers Love - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 9:45 am

Brothers Love - Page 6 Animetwin18

"No she loves me more!" The voice of Vincent rang through the bedroom as Johnathan laid across the large bed staring up at the ceiling he had no clue why his younger brother insisted on coming into his room yelling at the toop of his lungs about their sister when he didn't even say anything about it. He figured that it was away to talk to his elder brother since they usually did not speak unless they were arguing. "Shouldn't you be doing something?" Johnathan asked pulling his eyes from the ceiling.He tried to avoid yelling since their father was ill and he really wasn't in the mood to argue with his brother about whom their sister loved more. Which he thought it was himself honestly. "No." Vincent says as he looked at his brother with a questioning look before stepping back away from the bed as his elder brother sat up. "I'm not really in the mood to argue with you but just for the hell of it let's see who she loves more. I think it's me of course and you think *chuckle* for some odd reason she loves you more." He says as he hopes from the bed and grasped the nape of his brothers neck and dragged him from teh room and into the long beautiful hallway.

Along the way they talked on other things as they usually did until they approached their sisters room they sent a servant into the room to tell their sister they were waiting outside. Once they were allowed in Vincent jumped onto the bed next to Katrina with a large devilish grin upon his face as if he was up to no good he did not speak yet. He was just staring at her he had always found her beautiful like their mother and he enjoyed being around her as long as she did not cross him which she hardly ever did. "Sister. Tell him that you love me more than him." He finally says with a childish grin Johnathan was reminded of an imp his brother was a very convincing person but heis smile scared people. "I tried telling him but he just wouldn't listen to me." Johnathan says placing his hands into his pockets. "He insisted on bothering you for such a ridiculious conversation." He says watching his sister and brother together on the bed trying his hardest to be the more mature of the bunch though he was lying about who idea it was to come into her room. "Your lying." His brother says calmly pointing at his brother. "Yeah I'm lying." He says with a devilish grin as he prepared to be really childish and begin to ask whom she loved more the younger brother or himself. "Come Katrina tell us so I can go back to my room." Johnathan says his eyes focused on Katrina's face waiting for an answer to the question they've been asking for so long.

ooc: I hope you don't mind me joining. I didn't really know how to show how their controlling side in the first post or cruelty but I hope this is ok
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Number of posts : 361
Age : 34
Registration date : 2009-01-10

Brothers Love - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Brothers Love   Brothers Love - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2009 7:48 pm

Brothers Love - Page 6 Princesfgs

Katrina lay on her bed; her dark orbs were closed as a soft sigh left her lips. Her mind was running on what was soon to come. Her wedding. She would be leaving in a few months time to go to another court and become wife to the king. She didn’t know how she felt about that; true she didn’t want to leave her home behind to go somewhere she had never been to. But then again she did want to leave, she was never one to want to stay in one place and she found the idea of going to somewhere new quite exciting.

But then oddly enough her two brothers came into her mind. She wasn’t sure but she thought she might miss them, but then again she wouldn’t miss them always being around fighting. She slowly opens her eyes. It seemed like they were always fighting over her, well her love and her being around both of them. Both wanted everyone to love them more then the other.

She was the only sister and from day one they had fought over whom she loved more and well she loved both the same way. She sits up when she heard a soft knock on the door and she called the person in. Her maid Mina walked in, smiling softly. “Mistress your brothers our out side.” Katrina motions for her to send them in and the two other servants that were inside the room left, knowing the two brothers would want to be alone with their sister.

Fingers smooth over her skirts and she lifts her head up. Well this will be quite interesting; both were controlling but in thier own little ways. The older thought him self the best person ever, for he was soon to be king for their father was near death and the younger wished he was the older one. They were both cruel and wicked one just had to look in their eyes, but it was the younger that was most feared for if one crossed him he would always find a away to pay them back. She takes a deep breath, wondering how long her father would last and if, he did die early, she would ever see her wedding day.

(Occ: Ok so i need somone to play the two brothers or just one, but i need them to be controling and cruel. Also they should always be fighting over who was better and trying to get Katrina to show more love for them then the other.)
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